The Makers

With over 20 years of experience in the fashion industry, one of the things I have learnt is that having a personal relationship with the makers and brands is crucial to a fruitful partnership in which all involved strive to do better.

I have been on the commercial side of things, working with global brands that push insane volumes into the market. I have been on the wholesale side, presenting niche brands to potential buyers. And, in more recent years, I have been building my own retail spaces with a curated selection of garments made by people I actually know. 

The amount of work, time, money and energy put into the making of these products by these amazing people is astonishing, and worth every penny. I want to introduce and communicate these efforts to you as a consumer, hoping that we all will appreciate and support these type of makers more.

With the launch of The Rain Room in March 2024, we will start out with a selection of Barbour, one of the most iconic outerwear makers in the UK. Over time, our platform will develop into a more complete offering ranging from heritage inspired waxed outerwear all the way to innovative, sustainable hi-tech rainwear. 

Let's do better, together!